Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another day in the big smoke....

Occasionally I have to make a grand journey to London, normally for some meeting or other. In earlier days I spent a lot of time in London for both work & socialising & enjoyed every minute, but now I don't really like going too much. Its a normal, busy, smelly, violent, hustle & bustle capital city.

Today I had to go to Threadneedle Street, to the office of a competitor to my customer for a team meeting they were hosting (yes, they got to pitch to us all - yawn). Not a good way of selling the meeting to me, but no choice really. Looked at the map, not really one for the tube, but thought, lets take the tube for a change, London Waterloo, one stop on Waterloo & City Line & hey presto. Beats standing in the queue for a taxi for 20 minutes or walking for 35+ minutes in the drizzle. London Transport claimed on their website it would be a quick 4 minute hop?

I have to take my hat off to South Western Train & London Underground, it was clean, good value, on time, safe and not over crowded.

Have they changed their ways or something?

Maybe its something to do with the Olympic bid for 2012?

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